de> The time in seconds to wait for a session state transfer to complete from another node when a node is starting up. Default value is 60 seconds. sendAllSessions Flag whether send sessions as split blocks. If set to true, send all sessions as one big block. If set to false, send sessions as split blocks. Default value is true. sendAllSessionsSize The number of sessions in a session block message. This value is effective only when sendAllSessions is false. Default is 1000. sendAllSessionsWaitTime Wait time between sending of session block messages. This value is effective only when sendAllSessions is false. Default is 2000 milliseconds. sessionAttributeNameFilter

A regular expression used to filter which session attributes will be replicated. An attribute will only be replicated if its name matches this pattern. If the pattern is zero length or null, all attributes are eligible for replication. The pattern is anchored so the session attribute name must fully match the pattern. As an example, the value (userName|sessionHistory) will only replicate the two session attributes named userName and sessionHistory. If not specified, the default value of null will be used.


A regular expression used to filter which session attributes will be replicated. An attribute will only be replicated if the implementation class name of the value matches this pattern. If the pattern is zero length or null, all attributes are eligible for replication. The pattern is anchored so the fully qualified class name must fully match the pattern. If not specified, the default value of null will be used unless a SecurityManager is enabled in which case the default will be java\\.lang\\.(?:Boolean|Integer|Long|Number|String).

stateTimestampDrop When this node sends a GET_ALL_SESSIONS message to other node, all session messages that are received as a response are queued. If this attribute is set to true, the received session messages (except any GET_ALL_SESSIONS sent by other nodes) are filtered by their timestamp. A message is dropped if it is not a GET_ALL_SESSIONS message and its timestamp is earlier than the timestamp of our GET_ALL_SESSIONS message. If set to false, all queued session messages are handled. Default is true. warnOnSessionAttributeFilterFailure

If sessionAttributeNameFilter or sessionAttributeValueClassNameFilter blocks an attribute, should this be logged at WARN level? If WARN level logging is disabled then it will be logged at DEBUG. The default value of this attribute is false unless a SecurityManager is enabled in which case the default will be true.

org.apache.catalina.ha.session.BackupManager Attributes
mapSendOptions The backup manager uses a replicated map, this map is sending and receiving messages. You can setup the flag for how this map is sending messages, the default value is 6(synchronous).
Note that if you use asynchronous messaging it is possible for update messages for a session to be processed by the receiving node in a different order to the order in which they were sent.
maxActiveSessions The maximum number of active sessions that will be created by this Manager, or -1 (the default) for no limit. For this manager, only sessions where the current node is the primary node for the session are considered active sessions.
rpcTimeout Timeout for RPC message used for broadcast and transfer state from another map. Default value is 15000 milliseconds.

A regular expression used to filter which session attributes will be replicated. An attribute will only be replicated if its name matches this pattern. If the pattern is zero length or null, all attributes are eligible for replication. The pattern is anchored so the session attribute name must fully match the pattern. As an example, the value (userName|sessionHistory) will only replicate the two session attributes named userName and sessionHistory. If not specified, the default value of null will be used.


A regular expression used to filter which session attributes will be replicated. An attribute will only be replicated if the implementation class name of the value matches this pattern. If the pattern is zero length or null, all attributes are eligible for replication. The pattern is anchored so the fully qualified class name must fully match the pattern. If not specified, the default value of null will be used unless a SecurityManager is enabled in which case the default will be java\\.lang\\.(?:Boolean|Integer|Long|Number|String).

terminateOnStartFailure Set to true if you wish to terminate replication map when replication map fails to start. If replication map is terminated, associated context will fail to start. If you set this attribute to false, replication map does not end. It will try to join the map membership in the heartbeat. Default value is false .

If sessionAttributeNameFilter or sessionAttributeValueClassNameFilter blocks an attribute, should this be logged at WARN level? If WARN level logging is disabled then it will be logged at DEBUG. The default value of this attribute is false unless a SecurityManager is enabled in which case the default will be true.

accessTimeout The timeout for a ping message. If a remote map does not respond within this timeout period, its regarded as disappeared. Default value is 5000 milliseconds.
Nested Components

All Manager Implementations

All Manager implementations allow nesting of a <SessionIdGenerator> element. It defines the behavior of session id generation. All implementations of the SessionIdGenerator allow the following attributes:


The length of the session ID may be changed with the sessionIdLength attribute.


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